Our Blog: Where business owners sharpen their sword.
We know it's hard being a business owner. We have been there in the trenches with you and one thing is for sure. None of us know everything. The more you learn the more you know.
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Have you ever thought about joining a business owners' mastermind or peer group? As a young Air Force Commander, we would all meet every Friday to have real discussions about challenges within our organization. The thoughtful and sometimes brutal feedback helped my organization...
Check out https://www.businessknowhow.com/startup/badpartnership.htm for more information.
If you're in a business partnership or a longstanding working relationship that isn't working, ask yourself these questions. Then, if you need to change or end the partnership, follow these five steps.
You only have two choices in life, Innovate or die. Many companies have learned this fatal lesson over the years and became extinct. Do you remember MySpace, Blockbuster or Circuit City? They failed to innovate and were swallowed up by the competition.
Robert Kiyosaki, the...
Have you ever felt like you were drowning in quicksand? Your company is struggling and the harder you work the more you struggle. Its like quicksand. We have all been in over our head and it's not fun. Honestly, it's downright scary. So the question is what do you do when you are drowning in...